Now that I'm making headway into the wonders, the mysteries, the action, and some extremely hot male erotica too in writing MOONTUSK 5, THE WHITE MAMMOTH, in the middle of the night I get chunks of plot, new characters and scenes. I scribble these down in the journal I keep beside me. Also, when I wake up before daybreak, I pee, drink a large glass of water to re-hydrate, then slip back into bed to enjoy my morning arousal. Certain scenes from the novel appear extremely vivid in my mind as I pleasure myself to welcome the day. Some of these scenes are so intensely arousing, that despite my personal training for 22 years in Mindful Masturbation, some mornings it's a challenge not to ejaculate, as I really prefer to practice semen retention.

Several important characters who have developed in the roughly 1,200 total pages of THE MOONTUSK CHRONICLES so far, have learned the skills and advantages of this practice of keeping your seed in your body. Also I now see how the Phallic Brotherhood in the world of these books will help to seriously improve their world in Book 5, and its planned sequels: THE SECRET OF THE YORTS, and MASTER OF DROOJIKAH. Most definitely, much of the writing here in my office is done while the author is in a state of full erection…
As with our own world, the Kemnoan Empire introduced in the first novel (though it later goes by a different name) is a far from perfect place. In fact the entire realm falls into chaos and sudden change, not for the better. The young heroes Dare and Hosis struggle not only to develop and maintain their intense love for one another, and to refine the lovemaking skills they explore together in explicit detail throughout this epic tale, [MILD SPOILER] for a period of time in the plot they are separated by circumstances. During this time, each of them finds comfort and erotic pleasure with other male partners, even as several other male couples work through their own challenges seeking happiness and satisfaction.
Of course, the power of Love is the greatest power in existence. Still, human nature sometimes mistakes other emotions and feeling for Love. Romantic infatuation, desperate loneliness, or the twisted results of early personal history can confuse the issues. While Dare and Hosis also struggle for simple survival, their world, which has been radically changed forever, politically enters an age too dark for me to leave it there by the end of Book 4. What I once thought might be the ending, is really a new beginning of further adventures.
I'll only add for now [SPOILER ALERT?] that the young men do find each other again eventually.The action of this new novels picks up the same world and SOME characters almost two decades later, with a whole new generation of handsome young men also stepping into important roles. Yes, these include a 19-year-old who loves to self-suck, another young man attracted to older men, and a handsome black youth who may actually be a genuine phallic god!
Quite honestly, I'm proud of the original and detailed world-building I've accomplished here. The characters are complex and believable, the plot doesn't let up from cliff-hanger-to-cliff-hanger, the M/M erotica is detailed, frequent and realistic. This world is sometimes dangerous, and even deadly, but most definitely I believe in Love, as well as the transformative power of Phallic Brotherhood!
If you're interested, please start with Book 1, RENDEZVOUS IN A RUINED CITY, available HERE.