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What the Phallic God Loves!

Writer's picture: Bruce P. GretherBruce P. Grether

A poem by Carlos Calamo

(NOTE: For over 20 years one of my best friends has been an extraordinary, passionate masturbator named Carlos Calamo. We met in the early days of the Internet, when he joined an online group I hosted on the theme of masturbation. He's an environmentalist, a humanist, and has traveled the world. Carlos grew up Catholic, which tends to produce some great masturbators! We call him the "Erotic Wizard of the Far South." He wrote this extraordinary poem in Spanish, and with some help from him, I've polished up this translation! - BPG)

What the Phallic God Loves!

Consecration of the Phallic God:

When the Phallic God first ejaculated

He Created the Entire Universe:

Galaxies, Planets, Earth...

And bright stars everywhere...

Then the God walked

From here to there to there to here

Surprised, exhausted, immensely happy

To have "come" so much and in such a beautiful way...

In that joy the God

Suddenly saw a blue light, like a belt...

No, more like a cloak

That covered a sphere...

Then the God stopped,

And from there... sitting on the shore,

Of what would later be called oceans and water,

He saw many stars, so many and many more...

And he perceived that they were born from an even more intense light...

Then he looked at his heart,

And he was blinded by the light...

Everything came from There...

He glanced over the water,

Flew over the planet,

And started experiencing an…

(I don't know what)

in His guts

Seeing so much beauty...

But this I do not know, what He felt: what was different...

Was like fire from burning stars,

Like something incandescent, like red hot lava...

And he couldn't describe it, he just enjoyed feeling it...

The God kept flying over the Earth,

And He loved the evolution of Water on Earth

From land to Water

And this lilting movement, felt like

The One that emerged from His center...

…They were reverberating with admiration,

of joy, of beauty,

of the bowels of the God...

He felt something new,

He didn't even know how to name Himself, except: Yes!

Something similar to the rushing Water that he had admired on Earth,

To the molten lava that the mountains spilled...

To the flow of land in Water, of Water on land...

He felt then, being on Earth

a very strong urge to touch everything that lived there…

He was drawn to so much beauty

And in that superlative desire...

Then He opened His mouth

And He said to Earth in a soft whisper:

"I have a desire to touch you... a desire to be touched..."

The Earth answered with reverence... from that which arises from Love:

"Touch me... I love that you touch me...."

The Planet shook!

The entire Universe trembled at the answer!

And He wanted to share it, feel it too...

Then the God flew

Until the last stars, and in His step He touched them... making them be born again.

The stars touched Him one by one,

And then the God,

Without resisting so much beauty, so much light, so much pleasure...

He opened His arms,

(Your entire body is God!)

And He gave himself to Earth in an indescribable Act of Love,

He passed His hands, His caresses...

From here to there to there...

He was crazy! He was crazy with joy, the Phallic God!...

So, ecstatic...

In an inexplicable trance unknown to the God Himself

He gave an impressive howl!

Of which it is said, more stars were born,

He gave an impressive howl!

...And ejaculated on Earth...

All this was covered with the God's lava

And at that precise moment the plants emerged,

The flowers and butterflies,

The flavors and fragrances, the crickets, the thrushes, the hawks...

Also sharks, herons,

they started to dance with the seagulls,

ostriches danced, flirted...

The call of lionesses was heard in the jungle,

the bellows of buffaloes,

Even frogs jumped everywhere…

And in that moment,

Although it is said that for the God there is no time,

humans arose,

who joined the attraction that throbbed each other in each being...

And... every being emerged from that wonderful moment

Kept howling in space

And beyond time...

Since then, the God experienced

That touching beings causes life,

And in doing so,

at that precise moment...

He repeated the magic in each new living thing...

So He created this mixture of Earth and Water

Which continues to allow Him

To ejaculate as relentless,

Howls of love permanently!

And create beings that are attracted through these songs, aromas, shapes and colors…

It is said that the God is why theGod says…

Because He found this beautiful way to create,

And multiply in millions of ways,

And at the same time live in infinite joy...

in every moment, in every being...

because He is the Phallic God!

(Carlos Calamo)

Dec. 2008

My gratitude to Carlos for his encouragement and his major support for the Mission over the years! I could not have done what I've done and continue to do without you, Brother!

Love You!

Handsome Young Russell in Action!!!

Don't miss the next Group Masturbation Session which will be guided by this spectacular Erotic Wizard, Russell, AKA Dragon Puppy III. Tue, August 9th, 2022 @ 11 am PDT; 1 pm Central Time; 2 pm EDT.

Last session we had 24 beautiful men masturbating together. The power of the Phallic Brotherhood we share keeps growing! After you sign up you will be sent a Z00M link, and you are welcome to come 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes late just to share the fellowship. Sign up HERE!

Russell and I puts a lot of our time and energy and money into sustaining the Phallic Brotherhood Mission. We really can use more support! So if you can help us with our efforts, please click HERE and find the "I want to help" button!

To every Brother who has read this far, many thanks and Brotherly Love!

Namaste & (((HUGS)))


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3 commentaires

16 sept. 2022

What a most beautiful Poetry of the Phallic God of creation...


12 août 2022

Beautiful as always. Sorry for the silence lately but I have become caretaker of my wife. I have set boundaries though that I need me time.

i will tell you this Bruce between you and a very few others I have learned so much about my experiences with what I now call meditation. It is so pleasurable to think about me for several hours and leave thoughts of surroundings go. I so love making love to myself now and often think about those that influenced me during those times.

Love you Bruce my Phallic Brother.


21 juil. 2022

Another wonderful treasure to hold close and enjoy again and again. Thanks for this!

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