by Bruce P. Grether

Your vitality comes from that magical place between your legs. Cultural and political authorities try to control and suppress your erotic autonomy, as a way to control you more broadly. In truth, this is up to you: You have the matter in your hands. Literally.

Various Creation Stories around the world (not only the Ancient Egyptian one I AM so fond of!) tell you this in various ways.

The True Shivalingam!
Lord Shiva is called "Swayambhu," meaning "The One Who Is Self-Created." You are literally produced by the penises of your forefathers. You have the same power!

Like all those men in the genetic weave leading to you, your own penis, inherited from them, gifts you with this ability to energize, vitalize, and sustain yourself. The "all-around" and universal quality of this truth is why we use the Ouroboros Serpent as our symbol. Self-Creation!

A case can be made for the fact that erection is the default state of the penis, its natural and base-line condition. A soft penis, which can also be pleasurable (of course!) is in a sense the inhibition of erection.

Human males have this capacity to exists as Self-Creating Phallic Gods!

Regard your own penis, whether it is hard or soft, and contemplate this truth…

This is the actual cover layout for my work-in-progress, the new book that I am polishing up to be published soon. It is the fictionalized bioography (only the names chganged, at his request) of the greatest male masturbator I have ever known.

He continues to inspire me, "in my heart and between my legs"--his phrase! Above, you see him holding his erect penis and using his other hand to stimulate his anus.

The manuscript has been carefully proofed, critiques offered, and I am now in process of finishing my work on it. My hope is that it will be published in February of 2025.

This man's human beauty went far beyond his lovely body and his handsome, mustached face. His mind, heart, and spirit, remain radiant within me. My hope is that LOVE MADE VISIBLE will convey something of his vitality, passion, and loving nature.

Even the Creation Stories by invocation, such as "Let There Be Light!" are later shadow-versions of the Spark of Life being transmitted to the Universe and to Humanity by a Phallic God, being later revised by anti-pleasure patriarchs.

Our planet is beset now by atrocities unleashed by men who hate themselves, hate their penises and hate their fellow men. This can be reversed…

…by concerned men willing to go back to Square One and start over, re-learning self-love on all levels, starting with the physical.
A great way to support our Phallic Brotherhood Mission and to dveelop your self-pleasure skills to new levels at the same time, is to joing the OnlyFans Page by clicking that name, or the image above. There are scores of exquisite, inspiring masturbation videos there!

The family jewels between your legs are a treasure that connects you with the Source of everything, when you employ this gift mindfully…

…and the choice is always yours! A mundane habit?

Or glorious spiritual liberation?

What we call "sexual orientation" has mysterious origins, now known to be largely determined by imprints and beliefs acquired very early in life. The reality is all human are highly sexual.

As men get over their conditioned inhibitions & beliefs, most men can enjoy sharing penises…

Your prong generates your Spark of Life when it is hard as wood…

…or when it lies soft as a napping garden snail…

…and you can conspire (breathe together!) with fellow men to help this planet!

To embrace pure penis pleasure does not mean to avoid suffering; it simply means that you can balance out your challenges by providing yourself with this kind of bliss!

Make this embrace totally free of guilt and shame…

…beginning with logic: it is healthy & natural. But continue with abundant experience of delicious arousal…

…which, practiced mindfully, eventually rewires you and erases guilt & shame!

Every aspect of your life can be enhanced when you embark on a program of re-training yourself to engage in self-pleasure mindfully.

Only those who fail to develop their skills in this realm will describe the practice as an addiction. They feel shallow rewards and never quite get to the fulfilment that is possible.

With genuine Mindful Masturbation, touching your penis reaches your heart & head!

Today's technological magic employed wisely can return awareness of our embodiment to the realization that Nature itself is our Source.

Your penis is by far the most variable party of your anatomy. Allow its mutable magnificence to remind you that change is simply the nature of all existence. Help it to transform you!

When you employ self-pleasure to mindfully rewire yourself, the change is good!

Generate this Spark of Life you have the power to produce with your hands. Make yourself a happier, more balanced man. When you practice self-pleasure as self-love, this is the kind of change that results.

What truly benefits you, benefits Planet Earth. While the poor self-esteem of greedy men who have insatiable hunger for power endagers everyone, we can counteract and challenge this by encouraging several billion human males to generate the Spark of Life.
My collaborators in this Mission, Blue Tyger, Russell (AKA DRagon Puppy III), and Henry Meadows, are all young men who have made themselves happier, healthier, and more balanced via Mindful Masturbation. Witness this and do the same for yourself by enjoying the arousal and re-training yourself via this website and also the OF page linked above.
I'm not going anywhere, but paying for this Mission is an ongoing challenge, so please consider a generous DONATION.
Much Brotherly Love,
“Lord Shiva is called "Swayambhu," meaning "The One Who Is Self-Created." You are literally produced by the penises of your forefathers. You have the same power!”
I love knowing that I am as a man connected to all the men who came before me.
Wonderful! I'm really looking forward to your new book!