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  • Writer's pictureBruce P. Grether

Love Made Visible

by Bruce P. Grether

The ceramic pot above is a gift from "N.M." This blog is dedicated to him, as one of those men to whom I dedicated my GOLDEN PHALLUS book. I consider him the greatest masturbator I have ever known. You can see why he brought it to me…

Increasingly clear ro me is that pure penis pleasure cannot be reduced to anatomical friction and stimulus of pleasure recpetor nerves in the body, though those are often involved. It's a spiritual practice: self-pleasure practiced as self-love. It's about the human heart.

East and West have special meaning for me, as the "bookends of my life." This echoes the fact that I spent much of my first 15 years in the Far East; since then, I've lived mostly in the USA. But this blog is not about me--it is about YOU!

I would not be here sharing this without the devoted encouragement and participation of Russell and Henry. These beautiful fellows are willing to share themselves and their practice of pure penis pleasure with YOU! Such inspiration is crucial to networking the power of Phallic Brotherhood to the men of today's world!

Masturbation is already a global phenomenon, of course. About 100% of male humans masturbate, except for a few unable to for health or psychological reasons. Otherwise…

Manual stimulation of your penis aided by two major sources of arousal produce quite different results: 1.) Psychogenic erection depends on you viewing stimulating imagery such as porn of imagination; 2.) Reflexive erection arises directly from awareness of your own body, mindful sensations of hands on skin. The latter is mindful.

A third kind of erection is more mysterious. This is nocturnal erection, associated with your Testosterone cycle, erotic dreams. QI (a Chinese terms for life-force or vitality) flows into your leg meridians.

Your erections can be enhanced by consciously brerathing deeply, and keeping relaxed during arousal. This may seem a paradox, as pure penis pleasure is very exciting, but when you truly get there, you may wish to linger indefinitely!

This is a sort of Thai version of your energy body. See the Hindu influence, and Buddhist influence combined with more ancient animism that suggests "Everything is alive!"

Handsome young Henry Meadows transformed his practice of masturbation when I began to coach him in Mindful Masturbation several years ago…

…and his passion, sensitivity, and dedication can inspire YOURS!

See how Henry varies his position and strokes…

…meanwhile he keeps breathing deeply, remains relaxed in high arousal!

After a forehand "bottlecap twist," a backhand "twist & shout!"

Forehand, left-handed attention to that intact head…

…then "making fire" as he watches Russell on a tablet!

I've got immense gratitude for this handsome young Wizard, who has quicklu developed his practice into actual Male Erotic Alchemy and Golden Phallus Yoga! Can you SEE how intense his bliss is? Can you FEEL something like it in YOUR body?

Dr. Timothy Leary maintained, the energy constantly evolves from East-to-West as it circles around the planet, moving "uphill" against planetray spin, which keeps it evolving!!!

Russell is not only stimulates that magnificent penis, he also insert first one lubricated finger Down Under… then two fingers!!

Maybe you'd like to do the same?!

By his dazzled gaze and slightly gaped mouth, Russell has brought himself to a high state. Rather than ejaculate and toss the energy in the rubbiosh bin, he relaxes and extends the "Sex Magick" triangulation to YOU!

I've pondered whether or not autofellation, or self-sucking is a form of masturbation or something else. Who can say for sure? Regardless, it's an intense erotic practice with deep roots in Ancient Egyptian mythology!

Regardless, this intense erotic practice has deep roots in Ancient Egyptian mythology!

Creation of the World

This handsome young mustached fellow can get his erection into his mouth almost to the balls. It's revealing if you watch carefully his expressions, his eyes.

See his totally absorbed intention? Yet he's sharing this with YOU!

It's not surprising that he reaches this point where the Fountain of LIfe overflows!

Observe his face closely. SEE deeply and recognize a slight shift between these two images: dazed wonder becomes grateful awe at what he has just experienced!

Sergio & Baco - Gay Catholic Saints

It's been discovered that during the early years of the Catholic Church, curiously enough, gay relationships were not only permitted, but sanctioned. These two men are actual saints who were also lovers.

Rubbing erect penises together is what set me on this path! It's something I experienced at a very early age, and still consider among the most profound forms of masturbatory ecstasy.

Of course, every man has his own specific erotic triggers…

…but many men find this one extremely powerful!

I feel that some of the deepest possible communication and communion between men's hearts happens this way!

This IS Love Made Visible!

Love Made VIsible is not to be mnistaken for mental and emotional "romantic" love. This refers to fully embodies, ecstatic Eros in the sense of the Primordial Protogenos, born of Kaos and Night, or Nyx in Greek mythology of origins. Hatched form the Cosmic Egg.

As such, one description of Primordial Eros is as a creature with four legs, four arms, and two heads, later separated into two forms resembling humans, who are two-legged, two-armed and one-headed. Human desire comes from the deep-ropoted urge for reunification.

Your Holy Penis is the Tree of Life in the Garden between your legs. Realize that you need nothing to complete yourself.

Click image above for a brief book trailer

Like Atum-Ra, Lord of the Primordial Mound in Egypt, whose name means "Complete One," important in the GOLDEN PHALLUS book, you have everything you need.

Feeding the Root!

The Tree of Life that stands between your legs has a deep tap-root…

Kundalini Universalis!

…and the "Serpent" of the Garden, the coiling and uncoiling energy ascends your spine from Root to Crown. This is the Cosmic Life, the One or the Brahman that embraces everything, rejects nothing.

Here it is! FEEL this in your cells: the axis everything revolves upon in symmetrical relation! If you have not masturbated while reading this, please read it again and masturbate while you read. The UNiverse FEELS your pleasure!

If you were masturbating, you still might want to enjoy another visit or two!

Much Brotherly Love,


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2 bình luận

4 days ago

Masturbation of the psychosomatic phallus leads us to the energic phallus. Self-pleasuring the energic phallus begins with regulation of directions of movement. This is the energy body or "sheath" as Sadhguru calls it. The training is then to move from regulation to non-regulation of the erection.


4 days ago

Nocturnal erections are mysterious as they are likely stimulated by Qi circulation. They are thus related more to the energic phallus than sensory receptors and erotic imagery.

"When this Qi circulation reaches the Huiyin, it will stimulate the genitals and interact with the Original Qi from the Dan Tian and generate semen Qi (Jing Qi)" (Yang, 2000, p. 214)

I consider it a sign of correct Mindful Masturbation to have regular nocturnal erections - during the early hours of the morning, upon awakening, and even after an afternoon nap!

And yes, the vital energy produced by this process fills the leg meridians.

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