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Masturbating with the Starseed

Writer's picture: Bruce P. GretherBruce P. Grether

by Bruce P. Grether

I’m masturbating in the predawn quiet downstairs in the house. The air outside the house is muggy and full of mosquitoes, however, indoors I’m comfortable, shirt-cocking and using coconut oil for lubrication. Caressing my erection, I walk about, I stand, I do slow knee-bends. My penis feels hard as a branch, yet it’s also the silkiest smoothest thing in existence; it’s thick and warm and intensely alive and it seems to fill the entire Universe!

Part of me observes with gaping mouth, in disbelief that this can feel so good! And this morning it seems my penis is telling me something beyond feeling good: my ecstasy touches the Starseed—the common source of all Life! This may sound mystical, and yet many dedicated male masturbators may understand. Even science tells us that we are made of stardust…

When you create high levels of sustained ecstasy through prolonged sessions of Mindful Masturbation and retain your human seed in your body, you alter your consciousness. You surf in perfect balance along the rim of the event-horizon that surrounds a black hole without falling into it. That event-horizon is what some dedicated male masturbators call the ecstatic “edge,” without ejaculation. At the same time, there is no reason you cannot enjoy multiple male orgasms, or an ongoing state of orgasmic intensity, as Erotic Engineering teaches you to experience whenever you wish.

Masturbatory bliss becomes a limitless pleasure integral with all of your daily existence. Ecstatic fusion of your body and brain with your heart becomes the exquisite pulsation of how you live your life. Your human male body is designed by billions of years of evolution to generate human seed, whose primary purpose is not to reproduce you. Rather, the seed within you is for a different creative purpose, of constant self-creation.

Conception of an actual child is a truly miraculous thing. Still, the primary purpose of your male seed is actually for a different kind of miracle, one that occurs within you, for the purpose of your own flowering. Your manhood has a spiritual dimension as you love yourself on all levels, and you grow and bloom in the ongoing process of self-love.

When you are able to truly surrender to pure penile pleasure, what you feel is the vibrancy, the potency and the irresistible glory of the Starseed of Life itself.

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